Friday, March 15, 2013

Redesigning Interiors

Many of you may be considering to makeover your living room, kid's room or renovate whole home before the coming year. However if the cost or time factor is the spoke in the wheel for your grand plans, then Interior Redesign is the answer for you. It is an affordable alternative to "start from scratch" Interior Design. It is a specialized decorating service that not only gives the space an entirely new look but also saves time and money!
Although this concept is in nascent stages as yet, however looking at its advantages it sure will grow in popularity. Interior Redesign is a credible and affordable service for just about everyone. Some of the traditional designers have now been adding interior redesign to their list of services.

So if you are planning to get the interiors done for a particular room or entire home on a budget, hire an interior redesign professional who with their fresh perspective can visualize the potential of your space objectively & will use the existing furniture, lighting, art & accessories to transform the room into a more functional and stylish space. This new twist on interior decorating is called Interior Redesign.

Reasons to Redesign:
o Your house has carefully chosen loved pieces but still lacks a pulled together look.
o Your home looks exactly the same for the past three years or more & feels stale.
o The house is rented, you are desperate for new look but knocking down of walls or major expenditure is not viable.
o Clutter of all the pieces & memorabilia you cherish seems to sabotage all your creative efforts.
o You would like to renovate the home but are completely overwhelmed by the prospect of complete interiors.
o You would like to incorporate latest modern accessories & gadgets with your delicate antique furniture but don't know how to do it in a cohesive manner.
Process of Redesign
The interior redesign professionals will first discuss your lifestyle and the function of the proposed room during which you may go over any special needs of the family. The designer will also give you suggestions about presently required new items & optional future purchases to complement the existing pieces.
Some of the basic steps involved are
-Space planning & making efficient use of your existing space.
-Selecting a focal point of the room. Creation of overall color scheme.
-The placement of furniture that will complement the focal point
-Using lighting & light fixtures correctly.
-Choosing the right window treatments & incorporating the existing style & material.
-Addition of rugs, side tables, shopped from your own home. For example swapping side tables in your bedroom with the end tables, if it matches the style in your room redesign.
-Adding artwork and accessories by looking for pieces in your home like photographs and personal collections.
-Finally re-vitalizing the room by re-placing (not replacing) existing furniture, artwork accessories & complementing newly shopped items.
As is rightly said great interiors is not about having beautiful things but about knowing how to play with those beautiful things. So as a prelude to the festival season, pamper your home, get reintroduced to your long lost possessions and get ready for dramatic results, sans the pain of time & money consuming structural alterations & shopping trips.
'Start from scratch' interiors is not de rigueur to achieve a new 'feel & look' for your home. Redesigning is all about borrowing from the past and moving into the future!

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